Newport Rhode Island


That’s my wife Betsy in front of the famous mansion “The Breakers,” the summer home to the Vanderbilt’s located on the coast of Newport, Rhode Island. Newport is one of these towns I love because it’s just frozen in time and architecture. There’s one beautiful colonial home after another. Each one well designed, and unchanged from it’s original structure. It’s also home to Glided age of American home building. Where the industrial leader’s of their time summered in some of the most amazing, over-the-top homes. This is the town John F. Kennedy chose to have his wedding.

I came here to surf a spot called Ruggles. It’s one of the most unique waves I’ve ever surfed.  Mostly, because there is no beach or parking lot.  The wave breaks right in front of these historic homes. I surfed it on an easy chest high day, but I can see the potential for it handling much bigger surf and remaining nice and clean. It’s also one of the best views I’ve taken in from the water.

