A Really Cool Cooler

Surfer and citizen of the world, Chris Del Moro, is pretty handy when it comes to breathing life into would-be trashed coolers.
Without having to purchase more plastic products, Del Moro took this old lidless cooler and made it better than before with a well-fashioned wooden cutting board top and sealed in the coolness with a used yoga mat. Now it looks like the Coolers Central one.
Check out his Instagram account if you want to say, “What am I doing with my life?”



Penguin Of San Francisco

Don’t know if the penguin is still up (or why anyone would take it down), but I took this picture by the stairs leading up to Clayton street off the N train stop at Carl and Cole. This is a fairly popular skate spot for jumping the stairs and catching a bit of this ledge too. Would make for a real cool shot if you had someone doing an ollie over the stairs with the penguin below.

Zoomed in it says, “In memory of Arnold. Made by finch”.

Magical Moments From SURFER Magazine

hat making genius

There’s a column in SURFER magazine called Curious Gabe. In it, a guy named Gabe Sullivan drives to various cities in southern California asking local surfers one question. It’s entertaining enough. In this month’s magazine, Gabe asks his interviewees “What makes a surfboard magic?” Hat maker (yep, hat maker), Nick Fouquet, gives the answer you’d expect from a spiritual craftsman like himself and also doesn’t disappoint with his photo. Nick Fouquet you’re awesome.

modern folk every day

My old pal Mike Molaro, front man for modern folk band archer heights (and wearer of great t-shirts) has been recording an original song a day, every day, during the month of April. On the 8th day of April, he dropped “the Golden Gate Game.” Here are the lyrics. Play at a moderate volume. Sing along.

the Golden Gate Game

the golden gate is still shining
though i am dull and grey
it gives and takes from weight and wind
I held straight until I gave

ooh, I awake to sitting here
ooh, a day or a thousand years?

what remains, the joy of all the pains?
friends returned to imaginary states
untouched in their grace

the haight’s still full of bud and hits
the MUNI stinks of skunk
the schizophrenic homeless fits
or was that my roommate drunk?

ooh, the mind is blowing leaves
ooh, gather and burn me

what remains, the joy of all the pains?
friends returned to imaginary states
the phone won’t do, winter always comes
with fingers so numb I hold to you

abandoned signs of Haight street kids, or “Discardboarded”

haight street signs from street kids

Whenever it rains you seem to find more abandoned signs on the street, left behind by the homeless youth living in the upper Haight. Forgotten for a slab of dry concrete under some nearby awning. Maybe I’ll photograph all the discarded signs I see that are littering Haight between Masonic and Stanyan. Hang the photos with clothespins on pieces of twine at coffee shops. “Discardboarded”, a photo gallery by Doug. Maybe.

Awesome Anchor Steam Beer Ad That’s Not Actually A Beer Ad

Surfboards, San Francisco, and beer. This photo from Grain Surfboards, which could easily be the coolest ad for Anchor Brewing, pretty much sums up a good time. Anchor Steam drinking surfboard shaping time.

Grain is currently in San Francisco running one of their popular surfboard shaping classes. I’ve never taken a class, but my brother has made several wooden boards from Grain kits and they sure are enjoyable to surf. Here’s Chris braving the elements on Long Island for a few winter waves with one of the Grain surfboards he built.

One Quick Ride and One Quick Wipeout

Rode my bike to a wave last weekend and gave a new spot a look. Took these two short videos perched on a rock. The first wave isn’t much, but the guy’s turn sent a good amount of spray in the air. The second wave is a pretty good late takeoff wipeout with some added sound effects from another dude sitting on the rocks with me.

Forgetting About Winter

robert moses bridge in winter

I recently saw this picture my brother took of the Great South Bay and was reminded that it’s winter. You see, here in northern California there really are no seasons. The calendar says it’s February, but in terms of climate changes we typically deal in either wet or dry. We should be smack in the middle of wet season, but ask any ski bum with a pass to a mountain in Tahoe how conditions are and you’ll get a depressed response from a guy who ultimately spent $300 to enjoy the lodge. And while the weather’s been nice, the waves have been nonexistent, which has not been the case on the east coast. So I ate my lunch outside today under a warm sun and I thought about the northeast and its winter of consistent snowstorms and better than average surf. So while it’s brick cold outside, at least east coast surfers have waves. Figuratively speaking the grass is greener, but literally not so much, because all that grass really must be dead by now.