Penguin Of San Francisco

Don’t know if the penguin is still up (or why anyone would take it down), but I took this picture by the stairs leading up to Clayton street off the N train stop at Carl and Cole. This is a fairly popular skate spot for jumping the stairs and catching a bit of this ledge too. Would make for a real cool shot if you had someone doing an ollie over the stairs with the penguin below.

Zoomed in it says, “In memory of Arnold. Made by finch”.

Frederick Knob To The Pacific Ocean

frederick knob ocean beach

The elevations in this town are crazy. Walk 20 seconds and you’re 50 ft higher from where you just were. On a clear day – a really clear day – you can see the Pacific Ocean from the top of Frederick Knob where it meets Buena Vista Park.

Help Keep Bacon Bacon In Frederick Knob

Some people want to shut down Bacon Bacon, but now there’s a petition to show how many people love Bacon Bacon and want it around. Take a moment to support small local business and sign the petition to keep Bacon Bacon right where it is (which technically is Frederick Knob, but that’s not totally important).

save bacon

Bacon Bacon Now Serving Bacon 7 Days A Week In Frederick Knob

bacon bacon[photo of the now deceased, but soon to be resurrected, Bacon Bacon truck]

Bacon Bacon, the deliciously fattening bacon slanging food truck, opened a permanent kitchen in Frederick Knob a year ago. Starting tomorrow, Sunday, January 6th, the Bacon Bacon kitchen will be open seven days a week! This unofficially makes Frederick Knob the baconiest neighborhood in San Francisco.

Since I can hit the Bacon Bacon kitchen with a baseball from my apartment, I’ve eaten a good amount of bacon, egg and cheese sandwiches, and as a result have also gotten in to running long distances in order to make myself feel better. So it’s been a win win situation, and we look forward to having the doors of Bacon Bacon open in Frederick Knob everyday.

The Bacon Bacon Kitchen is open:
Monday-Friday: 7:30am-3pm
Saturday: 8am-3pm
Sunday: 8am-2pm

Frederick Knob Gets The Adorable Paper Model Poster Treatment

photo from wearehop

Not only is this paper poster super cute, it’s 100% accurate in its depiction of my favorite San Francisco neighborhood. It’s not widely known, but there are only 10 houses in all of Frederick Knob, and French designer, Chloé Fleury, captured each one beautifully.

The evidence is stacking up; a nod on Google maps and now a paper model poster… Do I have any choice but to start a hyperlocal Frederick Knob community site?