Bridge and Barrel

bridge barrel

bridge barrel IIphotos by BDsurfer

I usually avoid StokeReport because it’s just a handful of anonymous avatars spewing surf jargon and negativity, but recently there’s been a nice trend of local surf photography being posted on the site. StokeReport user, BDsurfer, posted these great shots of a surfer at Fort Point getting double coverage — under the Golden Gate and in a tube.

Surfing the Golden Gate Bridge – Fort Point, San Francisco

Fort Point isn’t the best place to learn how to surf. It’s not even the type of surf spot where a seasoned surfer would choose to paddle out in. The San Francisco Bay is notorious for its dangerous riptides. Add to those strong currents a mix of cold water, boulder-sized rocks that appear and disappear with the tide, and massive cargo ships crawling beneath the Golden Gate Bridge, and you’ll find yourself in a situation about as far from the warm beaches of Hawaii as possible.

The below footage was shot on January 9, 2010. It was cold, overcast and felt very much so like San Francisco. It’s a rough video, but then again, so are the conditions at Fort Point. So there.