Ocean Beach Local

pelican at ocean beach

I’ve been taking our camera to more places with me recently. For every 50 shots there are five that turn out Ok. This was a good one. I know so because I posted it on the Gram and an honest to god photographer told me it was a “great photo!” So there’s that. The waves at OB were horrible, as they have been since its spring. The beach is still a fun place to pass time with a Tecate, camera, wife and dog.

Has Technology Killed The Photography Star?

This series of photos was taken by my buddy Roberto, who would argue that anyone with an expensive camera is suddenly a professional photographer. That it’s no longer artistic talent producing great shots, but rather technology making us all look better than we actually are.

Bold claim. Some truth to it. I do think his photos are pretty sweet.

What do you think?

Photo Blog Takes You Inside The Head Of A Photographer

Ever wonder what a photographer is thinking when they decide to snap a photo? Well our buddy Matt recently started SWAJ, a photo blog where he explains what’s going through his head when he decides to take the photos he publishes. Cool idea, right?!

Matt says,

I really believe that when you look at a photo, you should be able to also read about what the photographer was thinking about.

All the photos on SWAJ are available for purchase on Matt’s Etsy page, and each snapshot comes with its very own explanation of what he was thinking when he took the photo.

Ever since Instagram started providing people with the option to autotune their photos, I feel like there’s been a lack of appreciation for good photography. I’ve been enjoying the photos on SWAJ lately, and think he’s got a good eye for interesting imagery.

[All photos in this post were taken from SWAJ]